Two years after I gave Whimsy & Tea room to tell me what it wanted, it let me know it was time for us to let each other go. I feel such deep gratitude for the fifteen years of Whimsy & Tea. My heartfelt thanks to all who have been part of Whimsy & Tea […]
Coming when called
One spring morning when Asha was about six months old, we walked up what my friend Lynn calls Butt Hill (because you feel the climb in your butt). When we reached the top, Asha lay down in the vernal pond to drink some water. I felt a pang of envy although I had no desire […]
Tangled threads: Thoughts on failure
I sit down at the loom and settle in to untangle threads. I’d designed new towels, but, after weaving a sample, was unhappy with the design and decided to rework it. I took threads off the loom, rearranged some, removed others and added more. I knew that my decision to use as many of the […]
Ever widening circles of permission
I sit in a circle of women in a cozy cottage on Nantucket, the sound of the ocean in the background. We have flown, driven, ridden the bus, taken the ferry to get here for a writing retreat. We are physically present in the room and our spirits are still arriving. Our retreat leader Jena […]
Unexpected purple delight
On our morning walk Asha runs down to a stream and I search for a stick to throw her. Instead I find small purple flowers in the grass. They look like a cluster of buds about to bloom. I spend a few minutes examining them and looking around for more. As we continue on our […]