I sit down at the loom and settle in to untangle threads. I’d designed new towels, but, after weaving a sample, was unhappy with the design and decided to rework it. I took threads off the loom, rearranged some, removed others and added more. I knew that my decision to use as many of the […]
Towels, cakes and writing
I cut the red thread after sewing the cloth label onto the towel and exhale. I hold the towel up, fold it in thirds lengthwise, then in half and place on the stack with the other towels. The last label, the last towel. This collection of towels is now finished. I take a moment to […]
Start somewhere
My desk is covered with a few weaving books, samples I wove in a workshop on color, graph paper and my laptop as I work on a new design. A weave structure called bumberet has been on and off my mind for several years and the time has come to give it a go. The […]
From irked to grateful
Sometimes weaving drives me crazy. I’m not talking about the many times threads have ended up in a tangled mess. Nor how hard it is to make changes once the threads are under tension on the loom. Nor the lack of portability. No, I’m talking about the times an idea pops in my head and […]
I’m at my loom weaving towels with sustainably-grown, naturally-colored cotton. I’m in the familiar place of wanting to finish a collection of towels in time for a crafts fair, yet I know that they won’t be. Once I finish weaving them, I still have to wash, dry and hem them, then boil them in […]