I sit down at the loom and settle in to untangle threads. I’d designed new towels, but, after weaving a sample, was unhappy with the design and decided to rework it. I took threads off the loom, rearranged some, removed others and added more. I knew that my decision to use as many of the […]
Unexpected purple delight
On our morning walk Asha runs down to a stream and I search for a stick to throw her. Instead I find small purple flowers in the grass. They look like a cluster of buds about to bloom. I spend a few minutes examining them and looking around for more. As we continue on our […]
The sound before the sound
“Did you hear that?” I ask my friend Jody as we wind a warp onto her loom together. Jody stands at the front of the loom, I at the back. She combs the threads to straighten out any tangles or knots, then pulls handfuls of threads to tighten them. When she’s ready, I turn the […]
Letting go
I have a project I want to weave: napkins to go with my Crisp Fall Day table runners. By “go with” I mean similar colors and a different pattern. I want them to coordinate rather than match. I make a plan and hear a quiet But as I set to work. I ignore the hesitation […]
First steps and adventures: Exploring sustainably-grown cotton
It started with an opportune question. Do you use organic cotton? a well-dressed man asked one Saturday earlier this year at the Northampton Winter Farmers’ Market. The short answer is no. And there’s a longer answer because I’ve thought about this question off and on over the years. I know there are environmental concerns about […]